Oral Surgery in Fort Worth, TX

Painless Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Treatments

male patient smilingAt Lake Country Dental, we understand oral and maxillofacial surgery may sound intimidating to some patients. However, these procedures are sometimes necessary to restore and improve your oral health, as well as prevent further, more painful symptoms from occurring. 

Our Fort Worth, TX dentist, Dr. Ray Snider, is proud to offer oral surgery procedures. With years of education and experience, Dr. Snider is one of the best dentists in Tarrant County for oral surgery. Call 817-236-8771 to learn more. 


Understanding Oral Surgery

Oral and maxillofacial surgery encompasses a variety of surgical procedures performed on the oral cavity and specific facial areas. Our advanced dental technology ensures that all oral surgery procedures are efficient and precise. If you’re facing severe oral pain or complications, seek assistance from an experienced dentist like Dr. Snider before your condition worsens.


Our Range of Oral Surgery Services

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment has a reputation for being complex and painful, but this isn’t always the case. In many instances, it’s the only alternative to tooth extraction. If you suspect a dental infection, Dr. Snider can intervene to stop it at the source. Our dentist is committed to ensuring a painless procedure to help you regain oral health and relief from discomfort, as well as save your natural teeth.

dentist and patient looking at X-ray scans of mouthTooth Extraction

For teeth that are severely decayed or irreparably damaged and cannot be saved with a root canal, tooth extraction may be necessary. We perform both simple and surgical tooth extractions with utmost care. Dr. Snider will swiftly and efficiently remove the affected tooth, and he will also discuss dental restoration options with you to ensure optimal oral health.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, often referred to as your third set of molars, frequently lack sufficient space to grow correctly and can cause jaw pain. Wisdom teeth often grow at odd angles or don’t emerge at all, necessitating their wisdom tooth removal in your late teens or early twenties. The process of wisdom teeth removal is akin to regular tooth extractions and is relatively painless.

Exploring Dental Sedation Options

We are delighted to offer various sedation dentistry methods at our Fort Worth dental office to help patients feel at ease during their procedures. During your initial consultation, our dental surgeon will guide you through the options, which include:

  • Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide): This is a mild sedative that makes you feel relaxed and may even make you giggle, hence the name “laughing gas.” It’s administered through a mask that you wear over your nose.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation: This involves taking a sedative in the form of a pill before your procedure. It helps you stay calm and at ease during your treatment.
  • IV Sedation: This is a stronger sedative given through an intravenous line. It induces a deep relaxation, often to the point where you may not remember the procedure.


Aftercare for Oral Surgery

woman in a dentist chair for sedation dentistryAfter undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery, it’s crucial to follow these post-operative guidelines to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery:

  • Pain Management: Pain levels can vary, but your oral surgeon will prescribe pain medication to keep you comfortable. Follow their instructions carefully and take the medication as directed.
  • Swelling: Swelling is common after oral surgery. Applying an ice pack to the affected area in the initial 24 to 48 hours can help reduce swelling.
  • Diet: Stick to soft and cold foods in the days following surgery. Avoid hot, spicy, and chewy foods that could irritate the surgical site.
  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain good oral hygiene but be gentle around the surgical area. Your surgeon will guide you on how to keep the area clean.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your oral surgeon to monitor your healing progress.


Frequently Asked Questions

How painful is oral surgery?

Pain levels can vary based on the type of surgery and your tolerance. However, your oral surgeon will provide pain management options to keep you as comfortable as possible during recovery.

How long does it take to recover from dental surgery?

The recovery period can vary depending on the surgery. You can expect to start feeling better within a few days, but full recovery may take a few weeks.

How do I prepare for oral surgery?

Your oral surgeon will provide you with detailed pre-operative instructions. Typically, you’ll need to avoid eating or drinking for a set period before the oral surgery procedure, and you may be advised to arrange transportation to and from the surgery.

Does insurance cover the cost of oral surgery?

The extent of insurance coverage for oral surgery varies depending on your specific dental plan and the nature of the surgery. Contact your dental insurance provider to understand the coverage details. Additionally, you can explore our financing options to help cover any out-of-pocket expenses.


Relieve Tooth Pain and Get Your Oral Health on Track

Oral and maxillofacial surgery often helps resolve dental issues and improve your oral health. If you require an oral surgical procedure, don’t wait to schedule a consultation with our Fort Worth dentist. 

To schedule a consultation, call our office today at 817-236-8771. We proudly serve patients from Fort Worth and surrounding areas such as River Oaks, Haltom City, and Westworth Village, TX.